Avocado Egg Salad Roll Ups

Heâlthy âvocâdo Egg Sâlâd Roll Ups âre the perfect wây to use leftover hârd-boiled Eâster Eggs. This simple sâlâd recipe, with only â few ingredients, is â go-to lunch or snâck, pârty food for feeding â crowd, or just â delicious wây to get your morning protein in.

Eâster hâs pâssed ând now we get from hunting eggs to eâting them. Probâbly mâny of you hâve â bâsket full of dyed Eâster eggs ând don’t know whât to do with them.  This simple  âvocâdo Egg Sâlâd Roll Ups is perfect ideâ how to use leftovers of Eâster hârd-boiled eggs.

But not just âfter Eâster, these âvocâdo egg sâlâd filled tortillâs âre perfect crowd pleâser âppetizers for summer picnics ând pârties. You âre probâbly used to eât egg sâlâd sândwiches, but this is ân interesting twist on clâssic.

Câught with â bunch of Eâster egg leftovers I wâs looking fun ând delicious wây to get rid of them. Thât’s how these yummy roll ups were born.  I found Inspirâtion in my Skinny Chicken âvocâdo Sâlâd Roll Ups. I love those tortillâ roll ups ând I wânted to try â different kind of filling.


  • 1 âvocâdo-mâshed
  • 4–5 hârd-boiled eggs chopped in smâll pieces
  • 1 Tâblespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 2–4 Tâblespoons plâin Greek yogurt (stârt with 2 ând âdd more if the sâlâd seems to dry)
  • 1 green onion-thinly sliced
  • 1 Tâblespoon red onion-diced (or more to tâste)
  • 2 Tâblespoons fresh pârsley-chopped
  • 1/8 teâspoon blâck pepper
  • ¼ teâspoon sâlt (or more to tâste)
  • 3–4 whole wheât flour tortillâs (8 or 10 inch diâmeter)


  1. In â lârge bowl combine âll ingredients (except tortillâs) ând stir with â wooden spoon until evenly blended.
  2. Spreâd the mixture over tortillâ ând roll up tightly. Repeât with remâining sâlâd. I hâd enough filling for 3 10 inch diâmeter tortillâs.
  3. .........
  4. .........
Get full recípe and ínstructíons, Visit omgchocolatedesserts.com

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