Do Nothing Câke, âkâ Texâs Tornâdo Câke – pineâpple dump/poke câke with coconut wâlnut frosting; super moist ând ridiculously eâsy to mâke!
I sâw Do Nothing Câke, âkâ Texâs Tornâdo Câke, on internet for the first time âbout â yeâr âgo. I wâs, nâturâlly, âttrâcted to the title becâuse it suggested ân eâsy recipe thât will be mâde quickly ând turn out well. ând it reâlly wâs so.
I sâw Do Nothing Câke, âkâ Texâs Tornâdo Câke, on internet for the first time âbout â yeâr âgo. I wâs, nâturâlly, âttrâcted to the title becâuse it suggested ân eâsy recipe thât will be mâde quickly ând turn out well. ând it reâlly wâs so.
- 2 cups âll-purpose flour
- 2 tsp bâking sodâ
- 2 cups sugâr
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 tsp vânillâ extrâct
- 2 1/2 cups (20 oz) crushed pineâpple, undrâined
- 1 stick butter, 113 g
- 3/4 cup evâporâted milk
- 1 cup sugâr
- 1 cup chopped nuts
- 1 cup coconut shredded
- CâKE: Mix âll câke ingredients with â spoon. Pour into oiled 9x13 inch (23x33 cm) pân ând bâke in 350 F (175 C) oven for 30 - 40 minutes or until center of the câke is done.
- While Do Nothing Câke ( Tornâdo Câke ) is still hot, poke it with â skewer to help frosting soâk into câke. Immediâtely pour frosting over it.
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