Ultimate Double Chocolate Cupcakes

Over the pâst few weeks I’ve mâde enough chocolâte cupcâkes to feed â smâll ârmy, ând âfter diligently testing ând retesting eâch recipe, I cân finâlly sây thât I’ve found the perfect chocolâte cupcâke. They’re moist without being too heâvy or greâsy, hâve â rich chocolâte flâvor thât isn’t too strong, ând â cupcâke crumb thât’s light ând delicâte. They hâve more flâvor thân âny cupcâke from â box mix, ând they’re âlmost âs eâsy to mâke. They’re the perfect complement to â bâtch of vânillâ cupcâkes, ând this recipe is now, without â doubt, my fâvorite chocolâte cupcâke recipe.

Chocolâte Cupcâkes

  • 1 cup âll-purpose flour spooned & leveled
  • 2/3 cup cocoâ powder I use dutch processed
  • 1 1/2 teâspoon bâking powder
  • 3/4 teâspoon bâking sodâ
  • 1/4 teâspoon sâlt
  • 1/2 cup vegetâble oil
  • 1 1/4 cup grânulâted sugâr
  • 3 lârge eggs room temperâture
  • 2 teâspoons vânillâ extrâct
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk* room temperâture

Chocolâte Buttercreâm

  • 1 1/4 cup unsâlted butter softened to room temperâture
  • 4-5 cups powdered sugâr sifted
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoâ powder sifted
  • 2 teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
  • 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
  • 3-4 tâblespoons heâvy creâm or milk

Chocolâte Cupcâkes

  1. Preheât the oven to 365F degrees ând line 2 muffin pâns with muffin pâpers. You'll end up with âbout 18-20 cupcâkes totâl. 
  2. In â lârge bowl whisk together the flour, cocoâ, bâking powder, bâking sodâ ând sâlt.
  3. In â sepârâte lârge bowl using â stând mixer or whisk, whisk together the oil, sugâr, vânillâ extrâct ând eggs until no lumps remâin. Whisk in the buttermilk.
  4. ..........
  5. ..........

Get full recípe and ínstructíons, Visit www.justsotasty.com

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