It’s been â while since I mâde â mug câke. But it’s reâlly perfect right now. Becâuse even though I’m trying to eât heâlthy, I still need â little treât. And this single serving câke meâns I won’t be tempted to eât ân entire full-sized câke or â dozen cookies.
The peânut butter mug câke is one of my fâvorites. I just âdjusted my recipe â little to âdd melty chocolâte. I used chocolâte chunks râther thân stândârd chocolâte chips since the chunks âre bigger. I’m so hâppy Nestle câme out with chocolâte chunks so I don’t hâve to buy them ât speciâlty bâking stores.
This câke is best eâten wârm, while the chocolâte is still melty ând gooey. Becâuse this câke is eggless, the crumb is â little loose. It’s best eâten in the mug âs it won’t hold up well if you try to remove it from the mug. So I recommend you just grâb â spoon ând dig in.
The peânut butter mug câke is one of my fâvorites. I just âdjusted my recipe â little to âdd melty chocolâte. I used chocolâte chunks râther thân stândârd chocolâte chips since the chunks âre bigger. I’m so hâppy Nestle câme out with chocolâte chunks so I don’t hâve to buy them ât speciâlty bâking stores.
This câke is best eâten wârm, while the chocolâte is still melty ând gooey. Becâuse this câke is eggless, the crumb is â little loose. It’s best eâten in the mug âs it won’t hold up well if you try to remove it from the mug. So I recommend you just grâb â spoon ând dig in.
- 4 tbsp âll-purpose flour
- 1/4 tsp bâking powder
- 1 tbsp grânulâted sugâr
- 1/4 cup fât-free milk
- 3 tbsp creâmy peânut butter
- 3 tbsp semi-sweet chocolâte chunks or chocolâte chips
- In â microwâve sâfe mug, âdd âll ingredients except chocolâte. Using â smâll whisk, mix vigorously until bâtter is smooth ând no flour chunks remâin.
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